Monday, August 13, 2012

The Nursing History Research Unit, within the Sydney Nursing School,  has an exhibition titled  
Beds& Threads, see details  at: 
When:   Tuesday 13th September & Thursday 16th September 10-2pm
Nursing History Research Unit Sydney Nursing School University of Sydney
Room C1.02, 1st Floor,
88 Mallett Street, Camperdown
PHONE 02 9351 0635 or 0403868051
Bring your camera and take a photograph of yourself or a friend behind our picture boards of nursing uniforms from the past.

The professional identity of nurses has long been defined by beds, uniforms, sutures, bandages and the nursing practices associated with them.

Hospital beds and how they are made have always been a talking point for patients in hospitals.   Tight sheets underneath the patient and equally as tight sheets over the patient – not necessarily made for comfort!   Come and see a display of various types of hospital beds and learn about the many different styles, their purposes and how to make them.  A number of miniature hospital beds will be on display showing the different types of beds and bedmaking.   A display of bandaging used by nurses will also be on show and you can have a try at doing some of these bandages yourself. A fascinating array of sutures and needles used within hospitals will also be on display.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A book, a chair, a desk, ahhhhhhh

see my facebook page at:!/noeline.kyle.3

Like this blog my input is sporadic at best.

After spending most days on the computer writing, writing, writing, answering emails, updating my webpage ( and then more writing...the thought of puttings something on facebook, the blog or youtube does make for more work.....hmmmmm but there it is, it is a wonderful way to interact with the world...with colleagues and with friends, despite that:
I love books, I love newspapers, and i love to sit quietly in an armchair with a book, with a newspaper or magazine and and leave the computer alone....for a while

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Writing my childhood

 Always my childhood has been about place;  the spaces I walked in and through as a child are the windows through which I see that past. And I continue to return there, to walk through the deserted farmscapes imagining them as they were once, beginning here with the gothic, uneasy grandeur of the Australian bush. But then there are the people. My parents. A childhood, a life story is nothing without people.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Wolli Creek

I live near Wolli Creek and the  reforestation which allows residents to enjoy the natural envirnonment and a delightful piece of green space in the inner west of Sydney.  I went for a walk during the week, here are some snaps: